About Me
Everything you wanted to know about me, or some of it.

Dear visitor, welcome to my Numeric Citizen Space. My real name is JF Martin, but I prefer to be called Numeric Citizen in cyberspace. This is my "nom-de-plume" name (learn why I'm using this name). I have been an IT (Information Technologies) professional since the early nineties. I'm 56, I'm probably getting old, I know. My hobbies are many, but writing is the one that’s taking up much of my spare time. I spend about twenty hours a week on writing and publishing (fully documented here). Why? Get the answer in “I read, I learn, I write, I Share”. As explained in this post, I write about my passions, which revolve around Apple, photography, privacy protection and climate change.
My most personal stories to date
Here is a list of the most personal stories that I’ve published on this website.
- Friday Notes #54 — Something That (Most Of) My Friends Doesn't Know
- Friday Notes #53 — Am I Getting Old?
- Friday Notes #40 — The Unexpected Birthday Gift
- Friday Notes #36 — A Real Farewell
- Friday Notes #25 — What’s in My Head When I Run?
- Friday Notes #21 — Some Parts of ME
- Friday Notes #20 — My Impostor Syndrome
- Friday Notes #18 — What Will be my Legacy?
Some of my best work is available elsewhere
Finally, some of the articles that I’m the proudest of.

Thanks for visiting and taking your precious time to read my work.
You can support my work through [PayPal] or by becoming a paid member here (it’s only 3$ a month or 25$ a year) 🙏🏻. Again, thanks a lot for your support.
Follow me in these places.
Written words
🔴 My newsletter is hosted on Ghost.
⚫️ My Medium page.
🟤 My main blog content is cross-published to Flipboard.
🟤 I do have automatically generated newsletters on Mailbrew.
🟡 Numeric Citizen I/O: a blog about blogging, a meta-blog, if you will. The “look behind the scenes" of my content creation endeavour.
🔴 My Glass profile page
🔴 My Pixelfed profile page
🟡 My Unsplash profile
🔵 My Behance Profile
⚫️ My Smugmug page
⚫️ My 500px profile
⚫️ My Flickr page
My visitor card

Say hello@numericcitizen.me
Last updated: 2024-02-14. Created in Craft. Published with Ulysses. Hosted on Ghost.