What’s Next for Inoreader in 2025?
A list of improvements and additions that would make Inoreader even more powerful and useful.
A list of improvements and additions that would make Inoreader even more powerful and useful.
A detailed overview of the open-source ecosystem for writers and bloggers: write.freely.
Here’s an overview of the required building blocks to build Plausible Analytics widgets for the iPhone.
Thanks to Pixelfed’s mature features set, support for the open web, fediverse and ActivitiyPub, I deleted my Instagram, account. I couldn’t be happier.
Less is often more. My quest to focus on and select the best for my constantly evolving creative needs.
Here’s my latest update to my photo processing workflow. A lot of changes since my latest update, two years ago.
Everything that don’t stick with me, from services, apps et al.
Every content creator should be ready to face the demotion of any component of its workflow he or she depends on.
Not every blogger needs a WordPress site in order to publish on the web. Micro.blog, an open platform for writing is a great alternative, albeit in need of some improvements.
My love story with Apple started a long time ago. I’ve been an Apple enthusiast since 1982 when I started programming on an Apple ][+ before moving to an Apple //e then on a //c. I’m considered an Apple fanboy by my friends, my colleagues and my family. They could argue that I don’t have… Continue R
Digital-only Apple Event Time did fly at the “Time Flies” Apple event. Compared to the WWDC online-only event in June, production was even better. The idea being was to put the products in the best light possible without being tagged as an infomercial. Apple delivered on this. The Apple Park is such
We rarely get to see initiatives trying to reinvent basic services like email. The recently introduced HEY email service from Basecamp is trying to do just that. Here are my thoughts and why I’m going to pay for emails in 2020.