One Million Views on Unsplash
I don’t know if this is a lot or not. Anyway, still one million views. And counting! ☺️
I don’t know if this is a lot or not. Anyway, still one million views. And counting! ☺️
Are you looking for something cool in stock photography? Are you tired of browsing Flickr, 500px, SmugMug? Do you like browsing great photos on your computer, your mobile devices or even on an Apple TV? Are looking for great photos to augment a specific blog post or add a beautiful website header? I
As Tumblr is a dying platform, I decided to remove the option to share my posts to Tumblr. If you still want to share to this place, you’ll have to do it manually. Sorry.
So Tumblr changed their community rules and will reject all new porn content. More than that, blogs with porn or sexually explicit content will become invisible except for the owner or simply deleted. Let’s face it, this thing will soon die. Here is why. Their service never really evolved over the y
Today At Apple – My Experience. Maybe I was expecting too much. #apple #photography #iphonephotography #iphone
The 2021 edition is out NOW! Don’t miss it and aim to become a GURU! Don’t miss part 2 where I give two examples to explain how much time you should expect to play in order to be successful. This is the second article on GuruShots, the photography game. In the first article “How to… Continue Reading
Very interesting read from Matt Gemmell – The Big iPad. The debate is still alive and well. Is the iPad able to replace or not your traditional computer? For Matt Gemmell it did. So why it is possible for him? A few parts caught my attention. (…) an iPad isn’t a laptop, so the word… Continue Reading
Learn about playing the photography game called “Gurushots”. First in a series of two article.
This is not a review. There are already quite a few of them on the internet. What I want to share is a list of personal observations about my new iPad Pro, things that matters most to me. So I bought the 11 inches iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil. No external keyboard (I already… Continue Reading → [h
My father used to be an architect, for more than 40 years. I grew up in artistic environment, mostly architectural arts. So this is not an hasard that I like Apple’s Store from an architectural perspective. I care about these things. I care about how things look and fit in their surrounding environm
Just before the unveiling of the new iPad Pro, Chris Johnson wrote a blog post (iPad Pro 2018 wish list) about things he would like to see on the new iPad. He is not alone asking for improvements to the iPad platform. I’m one of those myself. First thing, precise input in the form of… Continue Readi
Today, Apple lifted the embargo on iPad Pro reviewers. The resultats are in. There is some great new for Apple but there is something that is pervasive among reviwers. Been using this new iPad Pro for a couple days now and the review is coming soon. But bottom line – It’s ridiculously powerful to th