My Ten Wishes For 2019
This is my top ten wishes for the upcoming year. In no particular order. Close my Facebook account. Enough of this shit. Seriously. See Trump Resign. Or impeached. Just too much of him, from day one. Travel to Hawaii. Never been there. And take pictures, lots of them. Replace my iPhone 7. This upcom
This is my top ten wishes for the upcoming year. In no particular order.
- Close my Facebook account. Enough of this shit. Seriously.
- See Trump Resign. Or impeached. Just too much of him, from day one.
- Travel to Hawaii. Never been there. And take pictures, lots of them.
- Replace my iPhone 7. This upcoming fall or before current iPhone breaks. Canβt wait.
- Continue with urban exploration. Always source of inspiration to me.
- Improve my creative energy usage and stay focused.
- Maintain my blogging pace while increasing quality of content.
- Exercice more and improve regularity.
- Eat less sugar. We eat way too much of this shit.
- Read more. And share my discoveries with you.
Happy new year to all my beloved readers and followers.