Friday Notes #24 — A Constantly Moving Numeric World
Bye Bye HEY World, More of Substack
Bye Bye HEY World, More of Substack
Here is a short story of a bad Apple Watch experience. This story is a prime example that, sometimes, the Apple experience promise can easily be broken, for no obvious reasons. And when things go bad, they really do. My wife has two Apple Watch: a Series 3 that she wears at night and a… Continue Rea
Let’s go straight to the point here: no Apple Music lossless for any kind of Apple wireless device (AirPods, including the Max, HomePod of any size). Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos is the only feature you’ll get to hear on any wireless device from Apple. How this will affect the music listening expe
Photo Legend Series
This article was originally posted on my HEY World account.
This article was originally posted on my HEY World account.
This article was previously published on HEY World.
This article was previously published on my HEY World account.
I always liked children's drawings. They give us, adults, a view of how kids see the world. It’s fascinating how they draw human bodies. As they get older, instinctively they learn to refine their art, leaving behind some form of visual fantasies, which I think is a
Nearly a year ago, I introduced my Numeric Citizen Visual Space, a website made with Universe, a website creation application running on iPhone, iPad and macOS. This space never really took off, never attracted traffic, probably because of the lack of a social network dimension to it. In retrospect,
No time to waste here. This post will be the last one on HEY World. After giving it a few thoughts, today, I decided to move my Friday Notes & Â Photo Legend Series to Substack. Why, you might ask? It is all about control, flexibility and discoverability. HEY World is
Friday Notes Series
Wow, it’s Friday morning, 6:17 AM. Not only the Friday Notes writing is not complete, it isn’t started! I find myself without a subject to write about. Usually, such subject starts to emerge at the beginning of the week, Sunday or Monday. Then, each day, I diligently
Wow, it’s Friday morning, 6:17 AM. Not only the Friday Notes writing is not complete, it isn’t started! I find myself without a subject to write about. Usually, such subject starts to emerge at the beginning of the week, Sunday or Monday. Then, each day, I diligently