The Roots of My Passion for Apple
Apple has a special place in my life because of my passion for the company, its history and most importantly because I share the same values.
Apple has a special place in my life because of my passion for the company, its history and most importantly because I share the same values.
Here is why I switched from Google Analytics to Plausible, a capable alternative compatible with my stance on privacy protection.
In late July, the news broke out that some contractors working for Apple had access to Siri’s voice recordings from users around the world to help tweak Siri performance. A month later, what happened? Is Apple’s handling of the issue been up to their high standards on privacy protection? Did Apple m
A few months ago I closed my Facebook account. After accidentally returning to Facebook, what I found was shocking. Here is how it all happened and what I found. When I closed my Facebook account, I chose to keep Messenger active in order to be able to stay in touch with a few of my… Continue Readin
Some controversy this week because Apple is accused of anti-competitive measures. Apple decided to remove non compliant applications from the App Store which were depending on MDM to implement screen time like features. Something that is seen as Apple using his dominant position with its App Store.
Do you trust Amazon not to start collecting your data when they will take over Eero? I don’t. They have no credibility because this is part of the machinery that powers this business. The more they know, the better. I cannot change my mind about Apple missing something big.
I’ll make it short: for me, covering the webcam on a laptop is a consequence of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) and I find it stupid. Period. And this story of the NewYork Times (a newspaper where their credibility is going down every day) proves my point. John Gruber has an interesting article on
That 1984 Ad by Apple run at the Super Bowl to announce the Macintosh. This is a reference in the advertising world. I love the tone and the play but not the world it depicted. And here we are in 2019 looking more and more like the world depicted in this ad. Who is big… Continue Reading → [https://n
Following this article on the Washington Post “Deactivating Facebook leaves people less informed but happier“: In the latest study measuring the effects of social media on a person’s life, researchers at New York University and Stanford University found that deactivating Facebook for just four weeks
Who cares about privacy and user data ? Not ATT, T-Mobile or Sprint obviously. John Gruber reacted to this. Who cares ? Well, it seems Tim Cook does. Full text of Tim Cook in the Time Magazine. Thank you for this. A thread on Twitter on this follows. Four basic principals proposed by Tim Cook:… Cont
Following my reading of Wired article “WHY SHOULD ANYONE BELIEVE FACEBOOK ANYMORE?” I had even more reasons to quit Facebook. In a word, the motivation of Facebook is not what they said or what they say. They lied.
That is no surprise but Facebook collect a lot of data. Want to know what exactly? Have a look at this article. I like the last paragraph: The bottom line: Facebook’s privacy policies reinforce the message that “you have control over who sees what you share on Facebook.” But if you use Facebook at a