Remembering Apple in 1985 — Apple Dealer Promotional Material
Thanks to some newly found Apple promotional material, I was looking back at Apple from 1984-1985. Great memories.

I recently spent some time cleaning up old boxes sitting in a closet in my home office. I rediscovered old promotional materials from Apple from 1985 and 1986. Back then, I was working at an authorized Apple dealer as a pre-sales and post-sales technician. One of the business owners probably gave me a copy of the Macintosh Dealer Guide you see in these photos. Here is a selection of what are the best parts.

The following black & white Macintosh illustrations were for use in newspaper advertisements. We had to cut out the needed illustration and send it to the newspaper with promotional text for processing and to create an ad. It was way before Google AdSense!

Special mention goes to the following black & white photo of the Macintosh. It’s an original printed on a Kodak paper. It’s an 8x10 studio photo of the Mac. It is now in its frame in my home office. You can see it in my YouTube video.

Next up is the well-known traditional promotional flyer. I remember having it with me all the time, at home, at school, and even at the dentist’s waiting room. The comparison between the Mac and an IBM PC struck my imagination and was a clever way of showing the Macintosh’s unique proposition. It was a graphical user interface for the masses.

In the series “Remembering The Story Behind Every Apple Computer I Ever Owned”, you can read stories of some of my memories of Apple’s computers.