My Reeder 4 RSS Reader Review
After a too long update hiatus, my favorite RSS reader is back under a complete remake. Here is my Reeder 4 review. Spoiler alert: I like it a lot.
After a too long update hiatus, my favorite RSS reader is back under a complete remake. Here is my Reeder 4 review. Spoiler alert: I like it a lot.
Some controversy this week because Apple is accused of anti-competitive measures. Apple decided to remove non compliant applications from the App Store which were depending on MDM to implement screen time like features. Something that is seen as Apple using his dominant position with its App Store.
Apple can be beaten for not shipping AirPower but they should be praised for shipping iWork. Apple’s iWork is so underrated. The latest update to the venerable Apple’s version of this office suite is particularly delightful to use. This software is probably the best embodiment of Apple’s software vi
Today is the last day of my free month trial of Apple News+ service. This is the perfect time for a verdict. This is my review of Apple News+ service. I’m going to subscribe to (yet) another service but without great enthusiasm. Here is why. First, the good side Since I’m a Canadian citizen, the… Co
Jason Snell writing in April 2019 issue of Macworld: In general, I wonder sometimes if there’s a little too much dogma inside the group that’s in charge of iPhone photography. It’s a tough line to walk between creating images that are crowd pleasing and those that are accurate depictions of what was
This is where it all started for me. The Commodore 64 was my first computer. This wasn’t the first computer that I wanted though. The Apple //e was the one. But this machine was way more expansive and I didn’t need those expansion slots that came with it. I’ll always remember one of my friend… Conti
My growing love affair with Unsplash goes on and on. Here are my stats for March 2019. I’m in the top 10% contributor. I always think that if I can be in the top 30% of anything, I’m good to go. But at 10%, this is unexpected. But my growing love affair with this web-based… Continue Reading → [https
Today is the official release of Pixelmator Photo, a new and capable photo editor at a bargain price for the iPad. I had a chance to try the application for a week. Here are my observations. But first, let me express my love for this company and everything they do. My love affair with Pixelmator… Co
Blogger’s life ain’t always easy. Today, I’m feeling the pressure of my blogger’s life, the pressure to write something to maintain my streak of one blog post per day. That is not an easy thing to maintain. I’m always working on a few blog posts in advance. But today, stars are not perfectly aligned
At long last, here is my review of the HyperDrive USB-C Hub for the 2018 iPad Pro. After a very successful KickStarter campaign. I made a pledge, my very first one on KickStarter. I couldn’t imagine having this iPad Pro without one as I wrote back in February. Here is my short review. On the… Contin
From DHH writing for SvN The fact is that many people simply do not contact Apple when their MacBook keyboards fail. They just live with an S key that stutters or a spacebar that intermittently gives double. Or they just start using an external keyboard. Apple never sees these cases, so it never cou
As I recently wrote, I’m now using Ulysses for my writing needs. Before that I was using WordPress.app. For To-do, I’m using Things on the Mac and on iOS. I recently read an article from The Sweet Setup on how you can combine Ulysses with Things in order to help you manage your writing tasks…. Conti