My Expectations For Apple in 2019
My expectations for Apple in 2019. #apple #2019 #iphone #ipad #software #services
My expectations for Apple in 2019. #apple #2019 #iphone #ipad #software #services
Following my reading of “Darkroom 4.0: The MacStories Review“, I tried the latest version of Darkroom, version 4.0, that introduced iPad support. I edited a photo with it and found the application to be a good start for beginners but lacking in specific areas. One example is lenses correction that i
Amazon devices are not on my guests list. Neither are Google’s and Facebook’s. From a recent article from Gizmodo – “The Amazon Alexa Eavesdropping Nightmare Came True“: An Amazon user in Germany recently requested data about his personal activities and inadvertently gained access to 1,700 audio rec
As you may remember (see “seven days in USA” post if you don’t or just don’t know), I’m spending my holiday vacations in Orlando, Florida. I went to Walt Disney’s Animals Kingdom for a full day. I didn’t know what to expect and was anxiously returning for a second time. But what I found was… Continu
This is my top ten wishes for the upcoming year. In no particular order. Close my Facebook account. Enough of this shit. Seriously. See Trump Resign. Or impeached. Just too much of him, from day one. Travel to Hawaii. Never been there. And take pictures, lots of them. Replace my iPhone 7. This upcom
I started using Adobe Lightroom Classic more than two years ago. It was at a time where I discovered what it really was shooting photos in RAW format with my old Nikon D80 then processing it with my old iMac 2007. Fast forward today and my numeric photography world is quite different. I replaced my…
Using IFTTT with services where I’m publishing articles, each post is also stored in Dayone, automatically.
What a wonderful way of saying no to a job at Facebook.
Excellent story here by By Jason Koebler : We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites. Facebook is not the Internet. I want to puke each time I stumble on a company “website” which is in fact a Facebook page. I hate Facebook pages. I hate Facebook period.. I’m going to quit in the next few… C
As a numeric citizen (this blog name), I aim to stay independent and free. I don’t want to be a product of some big entity like what is Facebook now. So I stay away from it. Yes I still have a Facebook account but I’m not active on it. I’m silent after being somewhat active… Continue Reading → [http
Excellent article on smartphones market right now. It will be interesting to see how Apple maneuver in this environment. My current iPhone is an iPhone 7 that I bought in the fall of 2016. I’ll keep it for another year. Growth in smartphone sales stopped surging years ago. In the next decade, they’r
Following this article from Venture Beat of Apple’s Tim Cook visiting an Idaho school where they donated 100 millions worth of iPad to low income schools, I had this thought. Bravo. But, here is the thing. The problem is not when they get the iPad, it is what comes next. Here is my small experience.