Friday Notes #60 โ€” I Read, I Learn, I Write, I Share

The reasons why I care to write and share might surprise you.

Friday Notes #60 โ€” I Read, I Learn, I Write, I Share
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Introspection is my thing, so much that I created this website and newsletter. This week, while working on the next edition of my monthly newsletter, I reflected on why Iโ€™m doing all this. It didnโ€™t take long before I could find an explanation. Crafting a new edition of my newsletter forces me to read more often and regularly. Since my newsletter touches subjects like climate change and privacy protection, a lot of reading is needed each month to select content for inclusion in the newsletter. So, I learn new things that I want to remember, I write down notes that eventually make their way to an edition of the newsletter. So, letโ€™s go back in time.

From 2009 to 2013, I was an indie iOS developer with three applications on the App Store. As you might guess, it required a lot of hard work, countless readings into Appleโ€™s API documentation, human interface guidelines and specialized websites on the subject. When I read technical documentation, I always tend to write summaries or quick notes to help me perfect my understanding. I rarely write for others; I write because it helps me better integrate my readings and learning experiences. Writing acts as a process of knowledge internalization. The same goes for my introspection sessions. Writing makes my introspection exercise more beneficial and probably long-lasting.

On sharing. When I started developing for the iPhone, I wanted the world to know about my journey of designing, coding, publishing to the App Store and promoting my applications. So, I created a website on Googleโ€™s Blogger platform to publish articles about my discoveries my journey as an indie iPhone developer. Fast-forward to today, and here am I, sharing my thoughts, the conclusions of numerous introspection sessions.

Different times, different contexts, same pattern. Now you know why Iโ€™m doing all this.

Starting this week, I'm adding a new feature to this newsletter series: โ€œWhat did I learn this week?โ€. With all my readings during the week, I often learn new things along the way. I want to pick one thing I learned and share it with you. So, letโ€™s do it.

What did I learn this week? Solarpunk (Wikipedia link). According to Wikipedia: โ€œSolarpunk is a genre and art movement that envisions how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, climate change and pollution.โ€. The following image is a prime example of the solarpunk artistic view of this world. In the next edition of the monthly newsletter, you'll know why I came across the solarpunk word.
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