Friday Notes #37 β€” A Sublime Place

Mixing emotions with peaceful interludes.

Friday Notes #37 β€” A Sublime Place

Last weekend was highly emotional, but there were many peaceful moments too. I had a chance to do some photography with my iPhone, thanks to the inspiring place we were staying; a wonderful B&B near the city where I was born. The weather was simply perfect all the time and gave me a lot of occasions to snap a few interesting shots, like the one above. The photo was taken with an iPhone 11 Pro with Halide camera app and lightly processed with Pixelmator Photo on my 11” iPad Pro. I’m kind of proud of the results.

It’s been a long time since I had nothing planned for the coming weekend. This weekend should be calm, with no travel outside. Having no plan is liberating. Oh, I forgot, a couple of friends are coming for dinner Saturday night. Oh well.