A New Home for the Numeric Citizen Introspection Newsletter

Big news โ€” Ghost is my new home for hosting my newsletter. Bye bye Substack!

A New Home for the Numeric Citizen Introspection Newsletter

Big news โ€” Iโ€™m excited to announce that my newsletters have a new home here, on Ghost! Read the official announcement of moving out of Substack. The migration was much smoother than I was expecting. Most of my content has been migrated here. I may tweak a few things here and there, but my migration is 95% complete.

Starting today, Ghost will be my go-to solution for creating the next issues of my Numeric Citizen Introspection newsletter, but also for all future posts of the Friday Notes Series and the Photo Legend Series. Also, expect a more detailed explanation post on the Numeric Citizen I/O blog about my decision to leave Substack behind. It was a nice ride, on top of not having a way to publish content from an application like Ulysses, it didnโ€™t bring the exposure and visibility I was expecting.

In a previous experiment with Ghost, I was not too fond of it because my envisioned use case (photography sharing) wasnโ€™t in line with Ghostโ€™s forte. However, for creating newsletters, itโ€™s another story. While doing some tests this weekend, it was clear that Ghost was up to the task and then some! It didnโ€™t take too long to make a decision.

I hope you enjoy the ride with me here!

This post was created on my M1 Mac mini using Ulysses (something I couldnโ€™t do when publishing new content on Substack)