What’s Next for Inoreader in 2025?
A list of improvements and additions that would make Inoreader even more powerful and useful.

I’ve been using Inoreader for a few years now and I couldn’t live without it. I made a video about it. I wrote an article about it. I’m using it everyday, sometimes more than once a day. Is it perfect? No. Is it improving? You bet. Inoreader got a major web redesign in the fall of 2024 that improved both the user interface and user experience. It’s was a rare case of redesign that didn’t break everything, like Evernote has gone through in the past. Instead, it was a redesign that improved everything. But I'd like to see some specific additions or improvements to Inoreader for 2025. Here is my most wanted list.
Improved experience on the iPad
I use the iPad for a lot of content consumption and Inoreader is one of the apps that I’m using for that. Since Omnivore has been more or less abandonned by its developer, I came back to Inoreader for my “read later” needs. There is one thing on the iPad that really needs improvement.

Selecting text with the Apple Pencil to create an annotation is finicky. The start of the select gesture often triggers an horizontal scrolling movement instead of text selection. It often requires a few tries before it works as expected. It’s not a big deal but text highlighting is central to reading saved articles. Any improvements in that area would be welcomed.
As a side note: I’m using the Inoreader iPad app only to read my content from the Read Later queue. After I’m done, I usually return to Reeder or simply use the web site. Maybe it’s a sign that the Inoreader iPad app might need more refinements?
Addition of Generative AI support
Readwise recently introduced the ability to prompt text highlights. I see a lot of potential in this and I wish something similar would come to Inoreader. That's one thing.

I also wish for an on-demand article summary based on generative AI. Imagine asking for a summary of an RSS article, and after reading it, a user could decide to read the entire piece but include the summary as a note. Or what if article summaries could be their own an alternative feed for each feed where summaries would be enabled. It would be super handy. Generative AI can be a boon to content consumption and information processing and I hope to see some form of integration with Inoreader sooner than later.
Support for creating linkposts
Imagine this simple workflow: I read an article, select a few text portions for highlighting, annotate the article, and add more notes. How far am I from being able to create a link post? I’m so close. From the screenshot below, you can see actions like “Add note”, “Delete”, and “View in Readwise.io,” where “Create a post” could be added. I want to be able to select one of my text highlights and create a linkpost from there for publishing as a markdown file that I can import easily for publishing with Ulysses.

Consolidated view of text highlights and notes
Speaking of text highlights and notes, how come it isn’t possible to get a consolidated view of all my text highlights and article notes? There is this concept of dashboard in Inoreader that can be customized using widgets, but still, it’s not possible from there to get this overview that would be useful. That would be convenient.
More automation in IFTTT
An IFTTT action when a new text highlight is created or when a new note is added to an article would be handy, too. It’s not possible right now. I’d like something to support the creation of a draft post on Micro.blog using a webhook that would be triggered with an action in IFTTT. This would probably help to put together a workflow for linkposts creation.
More sharing options
While Inoreader offers many sharing options, where is Mastodon? Why Notion or Readwise are missing from this menu?

Even with a near-perfect services like Inoreader, there is room for improvements and I hope someone at Inoreader is paying attention.