Staring At Their Screen All The Time
How about a bit of social behaviour observations? I’m visiting Hawaii since July 12th. I’m loving it very much. I’ve seen such of varying environment: rain forests, desert like landscapes, wonderful beaches, etc. I’m able to report on this because I’m a typical epicurean type of guy when on vacation
How about a bit of social behaviour observations? I’m visiting Hawaii since July 12th. I’m loving it very much. I’ve seen such of varying environment: rain forests, desert like landscapes, wonderful beaches, etc. I’m able to report on this because I’m a typical epicurean type of guy when on vacation. You might think that I’m not really always staring at my screen. And I would say that you are perfectly right! As an amateur photographer, I have to look around me for pictures opportunities, not on my iPhone.

That being said, I don’t know why, but a vast majority of people around me are just staring at their smartphone screen. They are missing so much around them! What are they looking at? Google’s search results? Maps directions? Yelp restaurant reviews? Most of the time where I’m able to see what they have on their smartphones screens are things like, you guessed it: Facebook stuff, Instagram or worst, Snapchat. WTF!
I know, I shouldn’t generalize from my own experience but yet, this situation is troublesome at many levels. It seems people are always somewhere else virtually speaking. They live somewhere else. Or they want to be somewhere else.
Oh, and the new trend from younger people is to keep their AirPods all the time even when they talk to other people. I see this behaviour more and more around me. And this makes me sad for our society and our own children.