Friday Notes #77 — Why Am I Trying New Things All The Time?
When I’m not doing photography, I’m writing or thinking about my next creative experience. I found something new to experiment with.
This week, I started a new project and an experiment (yes, I know, another one). I’m about to start creating a series of videos related to the use of Craft. This application is so essential for me as a content creator, as you can see in my most recent blogger workflow update, that I not only want to share my enthusiasm for Craft, but I'd like to help others see concrete use cases of how it can support creative endeavours. This project is another example of me trying new things all the time. It's about the joy of using new tools, creative thinking and making things happen.
Sometimes, I feel that I’m spread all over the place. I use numerous tools, applications, and services. I maintain many websites. But the fact of the matter is that I love trying new things. I value craftsmanship. My father was an architect and a very creative person. My mother was creative with her hands, as she tried many art forms during her life. So that's my way of playing with my heritage but in a digital world.
It’s not my first experiment with creating videos. I tried the Vimeo platform a while ago to publish a series of videos about doing photo processing (these videos are still available, by the way) and even a few short clips about Craft. I even published a video where I stated that I'm not going to be a YouTuber. I guess we should never say never; me and my big mouth! Unfortunately, this Vimeo experiment didn’t last long simply because of the apparent lack of viewers.
This time, I want to focus on something that I use a lot and know well. I hope that I’ll be able to make a lasting series of videos. I’m not so good in front of the camera. My English could be better. I’ll need to state the value of each episode clearly, so people know why they should spend their time-consuming the content I publish. It won’t be easy for me to do because I’m more agile with words; video content pushes me out of my comfort zone. But, I’ll work hard, practice and set things up in a way that I’m proud enough to share. The rest is up in the air. I found this tweet to be so apropos: