Friday Notes #19 — Feeling Well, Feeling Proud

See these Apple's Activity summary screenshots? They are the source of why I’m feeling so well, so proud these days. On the second day of January, 2021, I decided to change a few things in my physical life. One of them was to exercise more. Way more. We’re now half-way in April, and I’m still in line with this goal. If all goes well, I’ll make it to the Montreal’s half-marathon this coming September. All my indicators are up. I’m feeling so good, so proud of myself.
A week ago, I added something not shown here: mindful meditation using Petit Bambou. Each day, after lunch, I make a pause, stop everything, a take about 10-20 min for me to meditate. It is really good for me, to my body but above all to my soul. I plan to continue for a long as possible. I'm currently at close to three hours of mindful meditation.😊
The year 2021 feels so good to me.
JF Martin aka Numeric Citizen